How to create a GREAT Pinterest pin!

I received an email from Pinterest recently about how to create Pinterest pins that stand out on the platform. It went through a few easy steps that make for a high-converting pin. Building on that email, I'm going to share our tried and tested tips to help YOU create the perfect Pinterest pin. Tips that have been learned in the field generating traffic for my personal lifestyle blog as well as numerous eCommerce clients. Not getting the traffic you want to your website? Start with the basics of a great Pinterest pin.

Solve a Problem

Consider what the problem is that your pin will solve for someone browsing Pinterest for answers. Your headline on your pin should speak to them and a problem they want to solve. Take yourself out of it and focus instead on what the benefits are for someone else. 

For example, instead of saying MY OFFICE MAKEOVER use a headline like OFFICE MAKEOVER FOR UNDER $500. Can you see how the second line will appeal to more people than your core fans and an occasional stickybeak? The best part is, you aren’t stuck with the one image/headline combination. If you're not sure which headline will perform best, make pins for each of them and get pinning. 

2:3 Aspect ratio

Pinterest is very clear about this aspect ratio. Sure, you can pin in other formats, there was a time when the longer the pin, the better. Think infographics or collaged tiles of images. But in 2020, it's best to stick to a 2:3 aspect ratio. 

Moving pictures is where it's at!

Speaking of 2020, with the introduction of video and story pins (rolled out for some users at the time of publishing) we know video is outperforming standard images every time. So, jump into somewhere like Canva and export your formally image only pins as a video and test it out. 

Keep it relevant! 

When including an image or video, it's vital to make sure your imagery is still relevant to your content. If you look at the related pins below your pins, you'll see that the image has a lot to do with how it is grouped. Similar LOOKING images is where it first lands. So, don't pair your pin with a generic, unrelated image, find something that fits the topic or go text only. No image usually performs better for us than an overused stock or unrelated image. 

Fill in the Description

I've always advocated for pinning your content. As a lifestyle blogger, Pinterest has been a great source of traffic to my blog since it started. But, are you going 100% of the way by filling in the Title and Description in every pin? Do you use things like hashtags and optimised keywords to make sure your when Pinterest looks, it knows what your pin is about. Take some time, consider your keywords and the possible search phrases someone with this problem may use and do it right. 

Keep things 'FRESH' 

If things aren't moving for you, it may be time to consider a fresh pin (which Pinterest defines as a NEW pin that hasn't been shared before). You can do this by switching up your layout, changing the imagery featured or switching up the colours or fonts. 

Those are our tips for making sure you are giving your Pinterest pins THE BEST chance of success. The best part is that these Pinterest pin tips will work for whatever niche you're in and driving traffic to. For more tips and tricks from Pinterest themselves, check out their creative best practices

Sick of trying to make the perfect pin? Want something that is proven to work that suits your business branding? We are opening up a web-store soon that will feature our Canva Template bundles. Lots of styles and colourways, but the best news is that they'll all fit our proven pin strategy so you can worry less and pin more. Sign up if you want to be notified, use the sign-up form right here and we’ll add you to the list. 


please consider pinning!


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